Marriage License

Marriage License Information

Residents of the state intending to be joined in marriage shall record the notice of their intentions in the Office of the Town Clerk of the municipality in which either one of them  reside.  If only one of the parties resides in the State, the parties shall file their intention in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the resident resides. If both parties are from out of state, you may file in any municipality in the state of Maine.  

The process for completing and processing the intentions takes approximately 20 minutes.  Couples who wish to expedite this process can download the intentions form and complete it before they visit (please don’t sign the form until you are in front of a clerk).  If either party has been married previously, a certified copy of the document, with a raised seal, that dissolved the former marriage must be provided. If the parties’ previous spouse is deceased, a copy of the death certificate must be provided.After the couple has completed the worksheet, they must both sign the license in the presence of the Clerk. The couple must pay the license fee of $40.  The license is valid for 90 days.

Once the ceremony takes place, the officiant has seven (7) days to submit the completed marriage license back to the municipal office in which the intentions were filed.After the license has been received  a certified copy of marriage certificate can be issued in the municipality in which the marriage license was obtained.  Certificates are $15 each and any additional at the same time is $6.  Example – 4 certificates is $33