Village Green Concert Series

Concert Series
Midnight Breakfast
Event Date: 
Thursday, August 10, 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Midnight Breakfast is a six-piece indie-soul band from Maine. Featured members
include: Jennifer Shevlin-Fernandes, Reggie Kollman, Loren Pinkham, Benjamin
Flanagan, Evan Dickson, and Myles Kelley.
Since forming during their sophomore year of college in 2019, the band has become a
household name. Initially covering standards and funk tunes, the unit recorded its
self-titled debut album Midnight Breakfast during quarantine and released it in January
2021. Compared to the likes of Lake Street Dive and Sammy Rae & the Friends,
Midnight Breakfast blends groovy melodies and blissfully jazz-kissed vocals to make
each performance unique, energizing, and ultimately unforgettable.