2020 Food Pantry annual report

Beginning in March 2020, pandemic precautions were implemented at the pantry, and we continued to function smoothly with a new group of volunteers. (Thank you so much for stepping up). We have new protocols in place: Clients remain in their vehicles. They are greeted by a volunteer who takes their name and needs. Volunteers inside the pantry assemble orders, bring groceries outside and place them in vehicles. All volunteers and clients must wear masks, are asked to sanitize hands frequently and social distance if possible. Our system appears to be working – we have had no reports of infections. We have a policy should an infection be reported.

During these times, our community has stepped up, come forth and provided any help we need. As an example, we needed transport for large grocery shipments coming from the government and from Good Shepherd Food Bank. Our previous means were no longer available because of COVID restrictions on older volunteers. The Town of Belgrade offered a truck and a driver, which enabled the pantry to continue receiving these shipments of food – thank you! Also, because of the age of many of our past volunteers and their health concerns, we could not have functioned and kept the pantry open without the new volunteers who came forward – thank you, new volunteers! The pantry not only received these physical signs of support, we also have received generous monetary assistance from many individuals and businesses in our community – thank you! Thanks also goes to Good Shepherd Food Bank in Auburn. During these difficult and unprecedented times, it has been a wealth of information and guidance, protocol advice and food support.

Our client numbers have shifted. We have new clients visiting the pantry because of the economic situation caused by the pandemic along with clients who have visited in the past. During the winter months, clients may now visit the pantry every two weeks. In 2020, in addition to monthly pantry visits, clients were offered a Fourth of July basket and our annual Holiday Basket. Both were additional offerings and consisted of items to celebrate the season.

We have a new volunteer coordinator. Our previous coordinator, Laverne Pelletier (thank you, Laverne, for many years of service), retired from the pantry. In March, our treasurer, Tony Mastromarino, stepped into this role on a temporary basis. Tony organized all the weekly volunteers, compiled lists of new and old volunteers, and made sure all our grocery pickup volunteer needs were met – thank you so much, Tony, for an amazing job in crazy times. Taking over these responsibilities is board member Anne Grier – thank you, Anne, for accepting this big job! If you are interested in volunteering with the food pantry, contact Anne at 207-465-7483 or anne_grier@hotmail.com.

The pantry is open to all residents of Belgrade and Rome from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Tuesdays and is located at 508 Smithfield Road in the North Belgrade Community Center (207-495-2022). We are constantly looking to connect with those in need. If you or anyone you know needs assistance, please contact the pantry. To all our neighbors and our community, the Belgrade/Rome Food Pantry thanks you.

Board of directors: Marylou Butterfield, Chairwoman; Hazel Labbe, Secretary; Tony Mastromarino, Treasurer; Anne Grier, Volunteer Coordinator; Evelyn Fowler, Eleanor Collinsworth, Kayla Kohler